享受高松的秋天和世界級藝術品:高松中央公園紅葉和銀杏|Autumn Foliage in Takamatsu Central Park

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這個地方不是有名的栗林公園,這次我們分享的是高松市中心的高松市立中央公園(簡稱:高松中央公園 / 英文:Takamatsu Central Park)。


背包豬(Roasterpig)和小白(Cloudiecandy),《花小錢去旅行》(https://roasterpig.blogspot.com)及《小白豬事通》(https://ezbackpacking.blogspot.com) 作者。

花小錢去旅行 所有內容皆自費體驗,背包豬和小白從没參與任何商業合作、邀稿及代理。











公園一側的馬路,我們看到不少行人和汽車快速移動, 開始一天的工作。

公園裏有一座生於明治時代的工業家菊池寬的銅像。 他的出生地就在公園的南邊,所以這條街道的名稱就是以他的名字命名:「菊池寬通」。今天這條街道是高松市區最繁忙的街道之一,也就是巴士站的街道。


野口勇(英語:Isamu Noguchi,日語:イサム・ノグチ),20世紀美國藝術家;廣島的「平和大橋」、巴黎的「聯合國教科文總部日本庭園」等等,都是他的創作。野口先生與高松市有著深厚淵源,據說藝術家的工作室開設在香川縣高松市,現時是一所庭院美術館。
roasterpig.blogspot.com.mo201607 野口先生專注於遊樂場設備和公園,將藝術帶入日常生活和環境,並設計了許多不同種類的遊樂場設備,這些仍然很常見,並且可以在一些公園找到的。

公園擺放了三件雕塑家設計的三種遊樂設施。一件叫做Octetra(上圖紅色八角形的設施),另一組名為“Play Sculpture“,第三件叫做“SEESAW"。
🔺這件是Play Sculpture。
高松中央公園全年舉辦眾多活動, 春天有櫻花祭,夏天有讚岐高松祭,每逢節日慶典,吸引了許多市民,人頭攢動,熱鬧非凡。



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2023年四國紅葉前線 | Shikoku Maple Season 2023


Fall Season in Takamatsu, Autumn Colourful Spots in Takamatsu City

The weather was not very good, it was drizzling in the morning, so instead of going to other places, we decided to go shopping in downtown Takamatsu.

There is a big park on one side of the shopping street. We decided to check it out.

Takamatsu Central Park is located in the center of Takamatsu city, next to shopping streets, schools and major institutions. There is a bus stop nearby, so it is very convenient even if you come by car.

We walked from Takamatsu Shopping Street for about 15 minutes to the park entrance.

Takamatsu City Central Park is a metropolitan park located in the city center. There is a large lawn in the center, surrounded by green trees, and a stream passing through it. It is a park with greenery, four distinct seasons, and free play.

In addition to amusement facilities, there are various sculptures and artworks placed here, including many works by Kagawa Prefecture sculptors and bronze statues about the history of Takamatsu.

We took a walk in Takamatsu City Central Park in the morning and admired the red leaves. It is a well-maintained and beautiful park with dense trees.

Most of the leaves in the park turn red. Although it was a rainy day, we could see yellow, green and red leaves, which were very nice colors. The red leaves are covered with water drops and become very colorful.

Takamatsu Municipal Center City is a city park located in the center of Takamatsu. It is nearby office buildings, city hall, high schools, and shopping streets. It is popular as a leisure place for citizens. The park has lawn squares, fountain squares, playground equipment squares, walking trails, waterfalls, streams and ponds, etc. The park was once the site of the Central Baseball Stadium, and baseball-related sculptures can still be found in the park.

Relax while admiring autumn.

There is a stream in the park. On summer days, you can play in the stream and enjoy the shade under the shade of trees. It is an oasis for citizens and a good place for children to play and cool off.

On the road near the park, we saw a lot of people and cars moving quickly, starting the day's work.

However, as long as you look at the park, everything is so natural and peaceful, as if the busy life of the city is so far away.

There is a bronze statue of Hiroshi Kikuchi, a industrialist born in the Meiji era, in the park. His birthplace is just south of the park, so the street is named as "Kikuchikan-Dori Street".

Today this street is one of the busiest streets in downtown Takamatsu, the street from the bus station.

There are also many bronze statues of celebrities related to Takamatsu City and famous technicians born in Takamatsu, etc. Here you can feel the history of Takamatsu.

Among these artworks and statues, the rides designed by world-renowned sculptor Isamu Noguchi are the most famous.

A sculptor with deep ties to Takamatsu City, focused on playground equipment and parks, bringing art into everyday life and the environment, and designed many different kinds of playground equipment that are still common and can be found in some Found in the park.

The park features three types of play equipment designed by three sculptors. One is called "Octetra", a set of red octagonal facilities, another is called "Play Sculpture", and the third is called "SEESAW."

There are also ginkgo trees in the park. The leaves of the ginkgo have been dyed golden yellow. Under a drizzle, many golden leaves fell one after another and scattered on the ground.

The park holds many events throughout the year, including the Cherry Blossom Festival in spring and the Sanuki Takamatsu Festival in summer, which attract many citizens and are crowded and lively.

Take a walk in the park to look for red leaves while admiring the sculptures. It is a place where you can relax and enjoy outdoor artwork, nature and play with a sense of the season.




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