香川讚岐老店有名和菓子甜點:一吃難忘的豆大福和泡芙|A sweet treat from Kagawa Sanuki

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香川 和菓子 老舗


背包豬(Roasterpig)和小白(Cloudiecandy),《花小錢去旅行》(https://roasterpig.blogspot.com)及《小白豬事通》(https://ezbackpacking.blogspot.com) 作者。

花小錢去旅行 所有內容皆自費體驗,背包豬和小白從没參與任何商業合作、邀稿及代理。


香川 和菓子 老舗 香川 和菓子 お土産 香川 和菓子 お土産 香川 和菓子 大福

香川 菓子 香川 菓子 有名 香川 お菓子 有名香川 お菓子 有名
roasterpig.blogspot.com.mo201607 第二個選擇了和菓子中最基本的豆大福,一個只要120日元!豆大福很認真仔細,包裝後面還張貼食物標籤。標籤註明最基本的食物材料,沒加化學品添加劑,最佳食用時間短。
豆大福是一種用糯米粉製成的軟糯的餅,裡面包著紅豆餡或其他口味的餡料,表面灑上一層白色的粉末。 豆大福外皮有整粒紅豆,內裏有紅豆餡,雖然同樣是紅豆,但口感味道完全不同。外皮紅豆有咬口,硬中帶軟,為軟糯煙韌的糯米糍,帶來有對比的口感,再咬下去就是紅豆餡,紅豆餡是紅豆泥,甜中帶鹹,不會是死甜。紅豆泥不軟爛還有質感,配上糯米糍的軟糯,紅豆泥的甜中帶鹹,豆大福變得很有層次;完全沒預期一個120日元大福有如此高水準。
香川 和菓子 大福

🌟[日本四國自由行行程 |Travel Itinerary in Kagawa & Takamatsu]:高松自由行:紅葉景點精選+秋天行程規劃+事前準備攻略(持續更新)|Autumn Season in Takamatsu

Bean daifuku and puffs: a sweet treat from Kagawa Sanuki, a Japanese confectionery with history

We had some extra time after seeing the sights near Nagao Station, so we decided to treat ourselves to some wagashi at a nearby shop. The shop was only a five-minute walk from the bus stop that goes to Okuboji Temple. It was a famous old shop that sold both traditional and Western-style sweets.

We didn't get any of the Western desserts, even though they looked tempting. They had things like cake rolls and wagashi for only 180 yen each (tax included). But we had just eaten breakfast, so we skipped them.

Instead, we got two wagashi to enjoy. The first one was a simple bean daifuku, which cost only 120 yen each. It was a soft and chewy mochi with red bean paste inside and whole red beans outside. It also had some white powder on the surface. The label on the back said it was made with natural ingredients and no additives, and it had a short shelf life.

The bean daifuku was delicious. The whole red beans added some crunch and contrast to the smooth and sticky mochi. The red bean paste was sweet and salty, but not too sweet. It had some texture and flavor. The mochi was soft and stretchy, and it melted in my mouth. The white powder gave it a nice touch of sweetness. It was a very satisfying wagashi for only 120 yen.

The second one was a cream puff.

I was amazed by the puffs I got from this place. They were only 120 yen each and they came in a nice package with a cooling pad to keep them fresh. The puffs were small but delicious, with a soft crust and a creamy filling. The filling had a milky sweetness and a hint of vanilla, and I could see the tiny black seeds inside. The puffs were both tender and crunchy, and they made me feel so happy. I didn't expect such a great treat from a simple neighborhood shop!

[To be continued......]




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