日本中華料理餐廳:美食風味四重奏|Japanese Chinese cuisine

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如果你去過日本,一定會發現日本的中餐和中國的中餐有很大不同。 它們不僅口味不同,而且在烹飪方法和配料上也各有特色。

日本中餐起源於18世紀中葉,當時日本結束了200多年的閉關政策,開始了與外國的貿易和交流。 橫濱成為第一個對外開放的港口,成為外國人居住和經商的地方。 其中粵菜佔很大比例,很多廣東人在橫濱開設了許多餐館,為外國人和日本人提供粵式美食。 這是日本最早的唐人街,也是日本最大的唐人街。




背包豬(Roasterpig)和小白(Cloudiecandy),《花小錢去旅行》(https://roasterpig.blogspot.com)及《小白豬事通》(https://ezbackpacking.blogspot.com) 作者。

花小錢去旅行 所有內容皆自費體驗,背包豬和小白從没參與任何商業合作、邀稿及代理。



中餐廳連鎖店的用餐環境普遍呈現簡約舒適的風格。 店內裝潢以紅色和黑色為主,牆上掛著一些具有中國特色的書畫。 座位方面,有小桌椅、長桌凳、半隔間沙發座等多種選擇。背包豬11月中旬來餐廳吃飯,晚上餐廳內部已開了暖氣,室內溫度令人感到温暖。雖然是中華料理店,這裡的設施還是挺先進。每張桌子設有紙本的菜單,也有一部平板,讓客人自行下單。

套餐來了! 送餐的不是人,而是送餐機械人。

麻婆豆腐是一道中國傳統菜餚,但在日本也很受歡迎。 麻婆豆腐使用絲滑的日式豆腐,而不是中國的老豆腐。 這樣可以讓豆腐更好吸收醬汁的味道,更適合日本人的口味。
麻婆豆腐利用沙煲上枱,白豆腐上沾著紅色的醬汁,上面放著青蔥和肉末。我們聞到辛辣的香氣,色彩繽紛。雖然這裡的麻婆豆腐標榜使用3種辣醬烹調而成,讓背包豬和小白擔心這道菜會很辣。吃下去才知道,醬汁是甜的,只有少量辣味..... 以我們常吃的麻婆豆腐為標準,辣味更偏向微辣而已。大概因為日本人普遍不喜歡吃辣,所以他們會在醬汁中加入調味料來減少辣味。 對於我們不喜歡嗜辣的一群,這裡的味道很下飯。日本豆腐質地較嫩,要小心攪拌,以免破裂。

ホイコーロウ是什麼? 就是四川名菜回鍋肉。外觀是金黃色的豬肉片,搭配上青綠的青椒、椰菜和紅色的辣椒、紅蘿蔔,看起來就很有食慾。 回鍋肉的味道鹹甜微辣。 味噌、醬油的濃鬱味道與豬肉、高麗菜的清淡味道相得益彰,讓人一口接一口。
油淋法是一種烹飪技術,是用肉汁或者醬汁或醃料的某種汁液來烹飪肉。肉一邊煎煮,一邊定期淋上汁液的烹飪方法。油淋雞看起來漂亮誘人。 雞排呈金黃色,外面裹著一層酥脆的外衣,裡面是多汁的雞肉。 醬汁是橙紅色的,看起來很有食慾。 炸雞排炸得香脆不油膩,配上醋汁的微酸,甜酸度恰到好處,不會過於刺激或膩味。炸雞排還有一些生菜、蔥絲和蕃茄,中和油炸品的油膩。 定食醬汁是芝麻醬和另一種醬汁的混合,吃下去味道特別。

雖然是中華料理,有些以我們角度看,有不少創意的菜式,例如:油條(油炸鬼)配雪糕。 日本的中華料理讓背包豬和小白探索不一樣的菜式、味道和體驗。4個定食晚飯連稅不用3600日元(約190港元、770新台幣)。

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高松中華料理餐廳影片 | Chinese Restaurant in Takamatsu

  • 高松中華料理超好吃

Japanese Chinese cuisine Restaurant

Hey, are you a fan of Chinese food? Have you ever wondered how it tastes in Japan? Well, buckle up, because I'm going to show you the amazing world of Japanese Chinese cuisine!

Japanese Chinese cuisine is not the same as Chinese Chinese cuisine. It has its own history, style, and flavor. It all started in the 1800s, when Japan opened its doors to the world and welcomed some Cantonese folks who settled in Yokohama. They opened restaurants to serve their food to foreigners and locals alike. That's how Chinatown was born, and it's still the biggest in Japan.

Japanese people liked Chinese food, but they also changed it to suit their taste and culture. They used different ingredients, sauces, and cooking methods to create their own dishes.

We went to a chain restaurant to try some Japanese Chinese food. The place was cozy and simple, with red and black colors and some Chinese paintings on the walls. They had different types of seats, like small tables, long benches, and sofas.

We ordered four sets of food. Each set comes with a main dish, a small dish with pickled vegetable, and a soup. Here's what we got:

- Set A: Mapo tofu with rice. Mapo tofu is a spicy dish with tofu and minced meat in a red sauce. It's one of my favorites, but it's not for the faint of heart.

Mapo tofu looks and tastes very tempting. You can see the red sauce coating the white tofu, with green scallions and minced meat on top. The sauce is sweet rather than spicy.Japanese tofu has a tender texture, so stir it carefully to avoid breaking it.

- Set B: The appearance of the twice-cooked pork is golden pork slices, paired with green garlic sprouts and red chili peppers, which looks very appetizing. The taste of twice-cooked pork is salty, sweet and slightly spicy.

- Set C: Spicy and vinegar fried chicken cutlets looks nice and attractive. Its skin is golden brown, wrapped in a crispy coating, and there is juicy chicken inside. The sauce is dark red and looks very appetizing. The taste has just the right amount of spicy and sourness, and is not overly exciting or cloying.

- Set D: Stir-fried mixed vegetables in Japanese Chinese cuisine is a very delicious and simple dish that only requires some fresh vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, green peppers and some pork meat. It is colorful, with various vegetables and meat intertwined together, which looks very appetizing. The taste is even more fragrant and makes people salivate.

We are absolutely full! That was a delicious feast of Japanese Chinese food! We had an amazing time discovering the diverse flavors and dishes with you. Japanese Chinese cuisine is truly amazing, don't you think? Thank you for joining me on this adventure of flavors and textures.




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