栗林公園必備攻略+精選景點解說+時間+地圖+交通【多圖】|A guide to Ritsurin Garden in Takamatsu Kagawa

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栗林公園(英文:Ritsurin Garden)是香川縣最著名的景點之一,香川縣是日本最小的縣,以美味的烏龍麵而聞名。 栗林公園是香川必去景點之一,位於高松市中心的一座日本庭園。雖然栗林公園的名字叫做“公園”,不僅僅是一個公園,更像是日本大名庭園景觀的傑作,在1953年被認定為國家特殊風景名勝和國家特殊史蹟。在《米其林綠色指南日本》海外遊遊指南授予三顆星。栗林公園受到了世界各地的關注,背包豬當日在公園內實際上可以看到許多日本國內和外國遊客。



背包豬(Roasterpig)和小白(Cloudiecandy),《花小錢去旅行》(https://roasterpig.blogspot.com)及《小白豬事通》(https://ezbackpacking.blogspot.com) 作者。

花小錢去旅行 所有內容皆自費體驗,背包豬和小白從没參與任何商業合作、邀稿及代理。


栗林公園面積很大,可供遊客步行的區域約16.2公頃! 時令花卉營造出絢麗多彩的氛圍。在春夏鬱鬱蔥蔥的公園,在秋天的時候,紅葉非常美麗,是高松市內最有人氣的紅葉景點。前往栗林公園的方法有很多,可以乘搭JR火車、琴平電鐵電車和巴士輕鬆前往。

栗林公園免費嗎? 栗林公園門票費用

公園有兩個售票處,一個靠近JR栗林公園北口站的北門售票處,另一個是靠近琴電栗林公園站的東門售票處。 我們從琴平電鐵栗林公園站出發,步行約10分鐘便來到了栗林公園售票處。


面積真大! 栗林公園地圖



必必長輩看到了很多樹木,於是問:「這些是栗子樹嗎? 」

為什麼沒有栗林叫做「栗林公園」? 栗林公園簡明歷史

栗林公園是江戶時代歷時100多年建成的庭園,是日本屈指可數的領主庭園之一。據說起源於 16 世紀末,由來自讚岐的富裕家族佐藤氏在西南地區建造別墅花園。寬永時代(1630年代),讚岐國領主生駒貴俊進行了南湖周邊園林綠化,形成了現在公園的雛形。經過歷代高松藩主修築庭園,變成了現時規模。

那個年代是否種植大量栗子樹,不得而知...... 據說這個地方最初名為“栗林莊”,直至1868年明治維新後,情況發生了變化。1875年明治時代,庭園更名為“栗林公園”,作為縣立公園向公眾開放。在1953年栗林公園被國家指定為特別名勝。如今,栗林公園仍由技藝精湛的園丁精心維護,保留了其原始的美麗和優雅。


公園有6個池塘和13座假山。公園種植大量不同品種植物,櫻花、繡球花、荷花、杜鵑花、梅花等時令花卉盛開。栗林公園的風景被形容為「一步一腳印」,每走一步,景色都會改變。 庭園以水景為中心,精心設計的池塘和假山的佈局為遊人帶來舒緩的感覺。



照片上左方的"白紙"燈托,是栗林公園夜間點燈活動的燈罩。背包豬爸和小白看過栗林公園夜間點燈的影片,覺得晚上很光亮,好奇是什麼東西照亮? 小白好奇地望了,原來是燈炮來的.....



栗林公園面積龐大,佔地75公頃。 公園分為兩個部分:日本花園和西式花園。栗林公園的紅葉分散在園內各處,在兩個庭園也有觀賞紅葉的好地方。我們決定從北邊的湖泊開始,也稱為北園。


首先映入眼簾的是群鴨池,意為「野鴨池塘」(日語發音: Gun'o-chi) 。 這是整個公園最大的池塘。

今天的群鴨池和鴨場圍環繞著鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色植物,不時見到小鴨子游來游去,優哉遊哉的樣子。眼前一片美好景象,鴨場曾經是獵鴨場,可以追溯到江戶時代,當時池塘被領主和賓客打獵遊玩的狩獵場。 栗林公園是日本全國5個現存鴨場中規模最大的。

池塘附近有一個涼亭和一個花菖蒲園。涼亭取名瞰鴨閣,我們去的時候,花菖蒲已枯萎。池塘周圍有樹木和植物,中間有一個小島。 穿過一座橋就可以到達島上。

芙蓉沼(日文:Fuyo-sho)是公園內種植蓮花的池塘。 芙蓉沼周圍種植著許多楓樹。 我們沿著橫跨芙蓉沼的石樑行走。 當日一部份楓樹都長滿了鮮紅的葉子。 整棵樹紅得像火一樣,在陽光下顯得耀眼奪目。 呈現出鮮豔的色彩,身後是枯荷。


潺湲池 (英文:Senkanchi Pond)
潺湲池是栗林公園六池之一,小白在這裡四處觀賞,感覺像是一條溪流而不是一個池塘! 因為這裡的池水來自紫雲山,湲湲的溪水流動形成一個狹長的池塘,水流很淺且平穩。潺湲池周邊有楓樹,是觀賞紅葉的好地方。


栗林公園的著名景點之一是西湖(英文:Seiko)。 紫雲山的自然美景與池塘的精緻優雅形成鮮明對比,真是令人驚嘆。 紫雲山是一座小山,看起來像是花園的一部分,但實際上它在花園之外。

我還注意到西池附近有一座鮮紅色的懸崖。 它被稱為“Sekiheki”,在日語中意思是“紅牆”。紅牆不是天然的石牆,而是園藝家精心佈置的石景。

桶樋瀑布(日文: 桶樋滝(おけどいのたき)流入西湖的瀑布。這不是天然瀑布,而是在江戶時代建造的人工瀑布。相傳這座瀑布是某個領主喜歡欣賞瀑布舒緩的聲音和清爽的水花,特地建造的。 瀑布高約18米,秋天瀑布裡的水流不多,看起來逼真。

首先讓我們感到好奇的津筏梁。津筏梁是一座連接慈航嶼至小普陀的小橋。 這座橋的設計很獨特,以Z字形的雁行狀橋板,真的是古代設計?

接下來,我走到花園的南邊,日文稱為南庭。 這一帶比較自然質樸,有曲徑通幽,有竹林,有石燈籠。
我們進入小普陀。這座小山是由數百塊石頭堆積成金字塔形狀而形成的假山。 據說小普陀是栗林公園的發祥地,「普陀」是宗教聖地,山後曾經有一座觀音堂。
我們也參觀了楓岸。 園內有約70棵楓樹,是栗林公園著名賞楓勝地。道路蜿蜒曲折,秋天時楓樹色彩絢麗。 背包豬和小白在紅葉季節來到,當日抬頭看著變色中的紅葉,有如一閃一閃小星星,有如一個繽紛色彩的夜空。

我們參觀的另一個亮點是偃月橋,一座橫跨南池的木橋。 偃月橋是庭園裡最大的橋,長約18米,有一個優雅的拱形,像一個滿月。 偃月橋能讓和船從下面通過,但又沒那麼徒,所以不需要樓梯,也可以行走。從橋上可以欣賞到池塘和周圍山脈的壯麗景色,尤其是紫雲山。



與南湖不同,北湖沒有大型建築物或大橋。整個區域都是綠色,以松樹為中心,有修剪整齊的草坪、樹籬和奇石,紅色的梅林橋為點綴,風格優雅。 該區域的主要特色是北湖(Hokko),是花園中的第二大池塘。 它有幾個島嶼和橋樑,構成了和諧的組合。
欣賞北池景色的最佳地點之一是位於花園中心的一座假山“芙蓉峰”。 從這裡可以看到紫雲山倒映在平靜的水面上,營造出令人驚嘆的鏡面效果。 這裡也是拍照留念、欣賞大自然美麗的好地方。
栗林公園不僅有池塘和古老的建築,而且是一個美麗的地方,有多種樹木和植物。 其中一些非常稀有且有價值。 我們在周圍散步並欣賞自然風光,度過了愉快的時光。



花園的亮點之一是鶴龜松。 那是一棵巨大的松樹,由110塊石頭組成的烏龜上置了一隻鶴(日本黑松)。 令人驚訝的是,樹枝向不同的方向生長並形成一個形狀。

另一個有趣的景點是屏風松.箱松。 那是一群看起來像屏風的松樹籬。 他們就在北湖附近,從外觀看松樹的形狀像盒子,故以「箱松」命名。在屏松和箱公之間的道路兩旁種滿了松樹。一邊是屏風松,另一邊是箱松。抬頭看,松樹的樹枝以複雜的式扭曲,向下形成樹籬。
花園裡還有很多石頭和你在一起獨特的名字和形狀。 其中之一就是「回望獅子」。 那是一塊岩石,形狀酷似回頭的獅子頭。 我們花了一些時間才找到它,但這是值得的。

另一處是牡丹石,即牡丹岩。 那是一塊岩石,看起來就像一朵花。 就在回眸獅旁邊,所以不用看太遠。






官方建議的遊覽路線,只在南庭或北庭遊玩,走一圈大約40-60分鐘。如果圍繞公園走一圈大約要2個小時,可以把所有的地方都逛完。 根據是否包含參觀的設施、是否去吃飯、喝茶、喝咖啡、和錦鯉玩玩,在特產店購物的時間等,如果包含停留時間、或是拍照,那麼在公園的參觀時間更長些。我們當日在公園欣賞紅葉、中途休息一下,大約花了4小時。




背包豬和小白及背包豬爸,加上必必長輩在栗林公園度過了一段愉快的時光。 栗林公園是感受日本歷史文化、享受大自然美麗與寧靜的地方。栗林公園的紅葉主要集中在南部,可以看到美麗的紅葉。走在鵝卵石路上欣賞秋葉,有一種優雅的感覺。北園是以西式庭園為設計,一句話來概括,就是開揚廣闊! 少了一些華麗的朱橋和日本建築,多了一份沒有過度人工修飾的自然韻味。

⭐背包豬和必必長輩旅行的有趣事: 高松自由行2023:紅葉景點精選+秋天行程規劃+事前準備攻略(持續更新)|Autumn Season in Takamatsu

How to enjoy Ritsurin Garden in autumn: a guide to the best views, prices and attractions in Takamatsu, Shikoku

We love seeing how nature changes with the seasons. That's why we went to Shikoku, the smallest and most peaceful of Japan's four main islands, in November.

Shikoku is home to Ritsurin Garden, a stunning example of Japanese landscape art. It's one of the best places to visit in Kagawa Prefecture.

Join us as we walk around the park and enjoy the different views and atmospheres.

Ritsurin Garden is huge, covering 75 hectares of land. The Garden has six ponds and thirteen artificial hills.It was built by the local lords of the Matsudaira clan over a period of more than 100 years, starting from the 17th century.

The garden is especially beautiful in autumn, when the leaves of the maple, ginkgo and zelkova trees turn into vibrant shades of red, yellow and orange. You can admire the contrast between the colorful foliage and the calm water of the ponds, or take a boat ride to see the garden from a different perspective.

The entrance fee is 410 yen for adults, 170 yen for elementary and junior high school students, and free for children under six. You can also rent an audio guide for 300 yen or join a volunteer-guided tour for free.

It has two sections: a Japanese garden and a Western garden.

We decided to start with the Western garden, also known as the North Garden.

Some of the must-see spots in Ritsurin Garden are:

=== 群鴨池(日語發音: Gun'o-chi) ====
The first thing that caught our eye was Gun'o-chi, or "the pond of wild duck". It's the largest pond in the whole park.

Near the pond, there's a pavilion and an iris garden. The pond is surrounded by trees and plants, and has a small island in the middle. You can cross a wooden bridge to get to the island.

The view of island is so pretty.

====芙蓉池 (Fuyo-sho)====
I walked along the stone beam that crosses Fuyo-sho, a lotus flower pond. There were many maple trees around the pond, showing their autumn colors.

Next to the lotus pond, there was a square where the river and the pond met. I crossed another bridge and found some pavilions where I could sit and relax.

===Seiko 西湖 ===
One of the famous spots in Ritsurin Garden was the West Pond, or "Seiko". It was amazing to see how the natural beauty of Mt.Shiun contrasted with the refined elegance of the pond. Mt.Shiun is a hill that looks like part of the garden, but it's actually outside of it.

===西湖 石壁 Sekiheki ===
I also noticed a bright red cliff near the West Pond. It's called "Sekiheki", which means "red wall" in Japanese.

===Okedoi-no-taki 桶樋瀑布 ===
Okedoi-no-taki is a waterfall that flows into the West Pond. Legend has it that the waterfall was a favorite of the feudal lord who built the garden, and he would often visit it to enjoy its soothing sound and refreshing spray.
Okedoi Waterfall's not a natural waterfall, but it looks very realistic. There was not much water flowing in the waterfall in autumn.

===舊日暮亭 Kyu Higurashi-tei ===
Passing through Kyu Higurashi-tei, a tea house that was originally built for the daimyo, or feudal lord, of the Sanuki province. It is a rare example of a daimyo-style tea house that has been preserved from the Edo period. The tea house has a thatched roof and a wooden structure, and it overlooks the scenic Nanko, or South Pond. I enjoyed a cup of matcha tea and some traditional sweets while admiring the view.

=== Nanko 南湖===
Next,we walked to the south part of the garden, which is called Nan-ko in Japanese. This area has a more natural and rustic feel, with winding paths, bamboo groves, and stone lanterns.

Shofuda 小普陀
I was especially impressed by the Shofuda, a hill that was created by piling up hundreds of stones in a pyramid shape. It is said that each stone represents a loyal retainer of the Matsudaira clan.

=== Fugan 楓岸 ===
We also visited the Fugan, too. It has a grove of about 70 maple trees that turn into brilliant colors in autumn. We were lucky enough to visit during this season, and I was amazed by the contrast between the red leaves and the blue water.

=== Engetsukyo 偃月橋===
Another highlight of our visit was the Engetsukyo, a wooden bridge that spans across the South Pond. It is the largest bridge in the garden, and it has a graceful arch that resembles a full moon. The bridge offers a stunning view of the pond and the surrounding hills, especially Mt. Shiun, which is also known as the Purple Cloud Mountain.

=== 北湖 ===
Finally, I crossed over to the north part of the garden, which is called Hokko in Japanese. This area has a more formal and elegant style, with manicured lawns, trimmed hedges, and geometric shapes. The main feature of this area is the Hokko, or North Pond, which is the second largest pond in the garden. It has several islands and bridges that create a harmonious composition.

====芙蓉峰 Fuyo-ho===
One of the best spots to enjoy the view of the North Pond is Fuyo-ho, a small hill that is located in the center of the garden. From here, you can see the reflection of Mt. Shiun on the calm surface of the water, creating a stunning mirror effect. It is also a great place to take photos and appreciate the beauty of nature.

The Ritsurin Garden is not only ponds and old buildings, bus also a beautiful place with many kinds of trees and plants. Some of them are very rare and valuable. We had a great time walking around and admiring the nature.

There are almost 1400 pine trees and lots of plants in the garden.

=== Tsurukame-matsu 龜鶴松 ===
One of the highlights of the garden was the Tsurukame-matsu, or the Crane and Turtle Pine Tree. It was a huge pine tree that looked like an animal. It was amazing how the branches grew in different directions and formed a shape.

=== Hakomatsu Byobumatsu 箱松.屏風松===
Another interesting spot was the Hakomatsu Byobumatsu, or the Box Pine Folding Screen Trees. They were a group of pine trees that looked like a folding screen. They were near the North Pond, which was very serene and calm.

=== 露根橡 Neagari-kashi ===
We also saw a Neagari-kashi, or an Oak with Raised Roots. It was a tree that had its roots exposed above the ground. It looked like it was standing on stilts. We wondered how it survived in such a condition.

===Mikaeri-jishi 獅子回頭石,牡丹石===
The garden also had many rocks with unique names and shapes. One of them was the Mikaeri-jishi, or the Looking Back Lion. It was a rock that resembled a lion's head turning back. It took us some time to find it, but it was worth it.

The other one was the Botan-ishi, or the Peony Rock. It was a rock that looked like a flower. It was next to the Looking Back Lion, so I didn't have to look far.

- The Kikugetsu-tei tea house, where you can enjoy a cup of matcha and a traditional sweet while overlooking the Nanko pond.

- The Nan-koen area, where you can see the oldest pine tree in the garden, estimated to be over 300 years old.

- The Hiraiho hill, where you can get a panoramic view of the entire garden and the surrounding mountains.

- The Engetsu-kyo bridge, which is shaped like a crescent moon and reflects on the water of the Nanko pond.

- The Shoko-sha guest house, which was built in 1875 for the visit of Emperor Meiji and displays historical artifacts and artworks.

- The Higurashi-tei tea house, which is located on a small island in the Sanko pond and offers a serene atmosphere and a scenic view of the garden.

- The Seiko-an villa, which is a modern building that blends with the natural environment and hosts various cultural events and exhibitions.

- The Plum Grove, which is a large area with over 300 plum trees that bloom in late winter and early spring, creating a fragrant and colorful spectacle.

We had a wonderful time exploring the Ritsurin Garden. The Ritsurin Garden was a place where you can feel the history and culture of Japan, as well as enjoy the beauty and tranquility of nature.




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