日本高松飛去香港:航行時間+直航記錄|Takamatsu to Hong Kong Flight

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背包豬(Roasterpig)和小白(Cloudiecandy),《花小錢去旅行》(https://roasterpig.blogspot.com)及《小白豬事通》(https://ezbackpacking.blogspot.com) 作者。

花小錢去旅行 所有內容皆自費體驗,背包豬和小白從没參與任何商業合作、邀稿及代理。

高松-香港:香港快運 / 國泰航空

背包豬四人以為自己很早來到,怎料已經有其他旅客在櫃檯前排隊......高松機場香港快運櫃位準時開始辦理登機手續,櫃檯分開三條,一條是U first,一條是網上辦理了登機手續,一條是現場辦理手續。
這裡和我們去過的日本機場有點不同,海關職員在登機櫃檯已掃描旅客的護照。登機櫃檯旁邊設有為託運行李的X光檢查。 留意高松機場的離境大堂,只在指定時間開放,所以背包豬四人繼續在高松機場非禁區走走逛逛,高松機場有什麼好看?參考背包豬稍後的文章分享。
香港快運 UO643 / 國泰航空 CX5643
登機準時開始,我們在經濟艙找到了座位。 座位仍舊是軟皮梳化,對我們來說足夠舒適和寬敞。 機組人員禮貌而專業,他們在起飛前向我們提供了安全簡報。這架飛機是空中巴士 A320neo,航班準時離開機橋,雖然不是去程般滿座,但入座率也有7-8成。
飛機順利起飛,很快我們就飛越了日本美麗的風景。 我向窗外望去,看到了日本四個主要島嶼中最小的四國的壯麗景色。
聽說天晴的時候,航班還能俯瞰鳴門旋渦輪! 雖然背包豬和小白這次未能親眼看到,但覆蓋著綠色的山脈和山谷,點綴著小鎮和村莊,以及彎彎曲曲的海岸線,和蔚藍色的瀨戶內海,也是相當漂亮的。
當我們繼續向南飛行時,我們經過了以豐富的歷史和文化而聞名的和歌山縣。 我可以看到雄偉的高野山,它是佛教聖地,也是許多寺廟和寺院的所在地。


經過大約三個小時的飛行,我們到達了台灣。 那天天氣晴朗,我可以從天空看到整座島嶼。 它看起來像一顆綠色的寶石,周圍環繞著藍色的海水。
航班的最後一段飛越南中國海,這是連接亞洲、東南亞和大洋洲的廣闊水域。 景色平靜祥和,紅霞染滿了天邊。我放鬆下來,用手機聽一些音樂。

我們於當地時間下午6點多左右抵達香港國際機場,香港比日本時間早一個小時。 著陸很順利,我們很快就下機了。原以為我們會和上次釜山飛香港的航班一樣,利用機橋上落。怎料......
客機停泊在機場中央! 一輛接駁巴士把機上所有乘客全都接走了。


⭐高松機場攻略 Takamatsu Airport Guide: 逛烏冬縣機場賞藝術!免稅店+機場交通+餐廳美食+航班+趣味打卡點,一頁看懂!

Takamatsu (TAK) to Hong Kong (HKG) Direct Flight

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog! Today I'm going to share with you my experience flying with a budget airline from Shikoku to Hong Kong. It was an amazing trip and I got to see some incredible sights from the sky!

I booked my flight online with Hong Kong Express. The flight was scheduled to depart at 14:55 from Takamatsu Airport, which is about 40 minutes away from the city center by airport bus. I arrived at the airport around noon. The check-in process was smooth and fast, and the staff were friendly and helpful.

I had some time to spare, so I browsed through the shops and cafes in the terminal. There were a lot of options for food and souvenirs, and the prices were reasonable.

The boarding started on time. The seat was comfortable and spacious enough for me. The cabin crew were polite and professional, and they gave us a safety briefing before takeoff.

The plane took off smoothly and soon we were flying over the beautiful landscape of Japan. I looked out the window and saw the stunning view of Shikoku, the smallest of the four main islands of Japan. It was covered with green mountains and valleys, and dotted with small towns and villages. I could also see the Seto Inland Sea, which is famous for its many islands and bridges.

As we flew further south, we passed over Wakayama Prefecture, which is known for its rich history and culture. I could see the majestic Mount Koya, which is a sacred site for Buddhism and home to many temples and monasteries.

The flight was smooth and quiet. They also offered some snacks and drinks for purchase, but I was not hungry or thirsty.

After about three hours of flying, we reached Taiwan. It was a clear day and I could see the entire island from the sky. It looked like a green gem surrounded by blue water.

The last leg of the flight was over the South China Sea, which is a vast body of water that connects Asia with Southeast Asia and Oceania. It was a calm and peaceful sight, with only a few clouds and ships in sight.

We arrived at Hong Kong International Airport at around 6 pm local time, which is an hour ahead of Japan time. The landing was smooth and we disembarked quickly.

It was an unforgettable trip.

Thank you for reading my blog post! Stay tuned for more updates on my travels around Asia!




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