
香港航空飛機餐2024:Hong Kong Airlines 香港飛往大阪HKG-KIX A330-300 飛行體驗

By Cloudiecandy,2024年1月2日

2023大阪京都自由行 計劃日本關西自助旅遊 新分享NEW! Osaka大阪

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12月中旬的京都大阪之旅,背包豬和箱小狐搭乘香港航空空中巴士A330-300經濟艙航班從香港飛往大阪。首先背包豬介紹一下香港航空。現時香港航空的大部份航班在香港機場中場客運廊登機。這次我們營運的空中巴士A330飛機,從香港飛往大阪的直飛航班。 大阪有兩個機場,一個是伊丹機場,另一個是關西國際機場。 關西國際機場是主要營運國際線,也有國內線 ,伊丹機場則是國內線為主。今次乘搭A330客機,採用2-4-2 座位配置,座位是紅色。

今次背包豬和箱小狐大阪京都的行程是5天4夜。 上次9月是初秋去大阪京都,所以,背包豬和箱小狐在京都會看到不同的風景,發現更多有趣的事情。背包豬和箱小狐回程是乘搭商務艙,商務艙又有何分別?背包豬將整理後分享~

航班編號:HX618 / TK8876

背包豬(Roasterpig)和小白(Cloudiecandy),《花小錢去旅行》(https://roasterpig.blogspot.com)及《小白豬事通》(https://ezbackpacking.blogspot.com) 作者。

花小錢去旅行 所有內容皆自費體驗,背包豬和小白從没參與任何商業合作、邀稿及代理。


roasterpig.blogspot.com.mo201607 航班遲了抵達,所以也遲了近20分鐘上機和起飛...背包豬和狐搭乘的是經濟艙,可以提 早48小時辦理online checkin和劃位,背包豬會在另一文章分享如何省時辦理登機!沒做的話隨時要多花一小時在排隊上...

座位上設有機上娛樂設施的屏幕,但由起飛至降落,屏幕是只顯示同一個畫面。飛機餐將分配給每位乘客。 以前香港航空提供餐食,現在餐點變成了小吃。這次香港至大阪香港航空航線,在安全帶指示燈熄滅不久,開始派餐。
背包豬和狐收到了一瓶礦泉水和一個鋁袋。 另外還有飲品,熱飲有咖啡和茶,凍飲有果汁、汽水及啤酒,背包豬和狐要了一杯蘋果汁和橙汁。鋁袋內是什麼? 原來是一個小麵包。根據空中服務員所講,叫做木耳雞肉包。「木耳雞肉」 不是中式包點的餡料嗎? 利用木耳雞肉的餡料的西餐包,很特別。背包豬咬了一口,裡面濃郁的蠔油味道,還好麵包味道還算不錯。我還點了一杯蘋果汁。蘋果汁是巿售果汁味道,偏甜。

杯子的圖案很特別。 杯子上有很多漢字。這些文字來自於香港的店鋪裝潢和店面,也有一些來自於於店鋪招牌,很有有港式和有創意的設計。

背包豬吃完小餐點後,看看空中的雲彩,很快航班距離日本非常近。低頭一看,這是四國嗎? 背包豬記得上次11月看過了。雖然是陰天,但森林還是看得清清楚楚。11月四國賞楓之旅遊記目錄: 🌟 四國自由行:高松賞楓5天4夜紅葉記

🌟 大阪京都神戶奈良5日4夜旅行


背包豬發現大家正在熱烈討論「大阪關西機場出境要多久?」,但是「大阪關西機場入境要多久?」也對趕時間的旅客同樣重要啊! 這次背包豬和箱小狐在大阪關西機場入境要花多久? 請關注我們,別錯過任何一個精彩瞬間!

🌟京都自由行|Enjoy winter in Kyoto:冬天遊京都、大阪、關西實時實況最新情報 (持續更新)


Hong Kong Airlines HKG-KIX: Hong Kong to Osaka Flight Meal and More

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Hey, everyone! I'm back with another travel blog post. This time, I want to share with you my experience of flying with Hong Kong Airlines from Hong Kong to Osaka. It was a direct flight on an Airbus A330-300, which is a pretty nice plane. Let me tell you more about it.

The Airbus A330-300 has a 2-4-2 seating arrangement, and the seats are red and comfy. I was flying economy class, but I still had enough legroom and a personal screen for entertainment. The flight was bound for Kansai International Airport, which is one of the two airports in Osaka. The other one is Itami Airport. I was going to Kyoto for a 5-day trip. I had been to Osaka before, but Kyoto was new to me. I was excited to explore the city and its culture.

The flight took about four hours, and during that time, I got to enjoy some snacks and drinks from the airline. They used to serve full meals, but now they only offer snacks. I got a bottle of water and a foil bag. Inside the bag, there was a small bun with fungus chicken filling. It was kind of weird, because fungus pork is usually found in Chinese buns, not Western ones. But it tasted okay, especially with the oyster sauce inside. I also asked for a glass of apple juice and a glass of orange juice. The cups had a cool design with Chinese characters on them. They were inspired by the signs and decorations of Hong Kong shops. Very creative!

I took a nap, then looked out the window. We were getting close to Japan. I could see the green forests below me. I think it was Wakayama Prefecture. It looked beautiful, even though it was cloudy.

Soon enough, we landed at Kansai Airport, and I was ready to start my Kyoto adventure. Stay tuned for more updates on my trip!




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