Kumamoto tourist facilities and hotels lastest information

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Recently, Roasterpig recieved messages and mails asking about whether it is suitable to visit Kumamoto, Roasterpig tried and found out it is quite difficult to find the lastest information.Therefore, Roasterpig sent email to 熊本市観光政策課 for the lastest information.
Below is the reply of Kumamoto Prefecture Tourist Federation .

The reply is written in Japanese and Roasterpig translates to English.

Most of the shops of Kumamoto City are operating as normal. Kumamoto Caslte(熊本城) is still closed, but you can see the Kumamoto Caslte in the Kumamoto Caslte Park(熊本城公園), some area of the park(such as 桜の馬場 城彩苑) are opened again. Suizenji Park(水前寺公園) is also opened.

According to the reply from 熊本市観光政策課, "Effect of the Earthquake to Kumamoto City now is minimal, it is OK to visit Kumamoto City."

Closed Area of Kumamoto Caslte Park is in purple color

The Status of major sightseeing facilities in Kumamoto (as on 2016-06-06)

Closed tourist facilities are highlighted in orange 

About the hotels of Kumamoto, some are still out of service, but many hotels are still avaialbe.
Please check the list below.

Hotels with blue text in the right column is partially avaiable,
Red text is operating as normal.

This is original article of 花小錢去旅行(http://roasterpig.blogspot.com). Others are plagiarism unless specified.~~~
